Tuesday, March 4, 2008


Im missing the good ol' CHEER days!!!! :'(
I really miss D*STARZ soo freakin much man!! ahhh n to think that our batch (2004) was the start of D*starz!

Cheer used to be my life back in 04 & 05!! was totally devoted to it! us lil Sri Amanian cheerleaders formed a tight-knot group of friends and we worked our bootays off 2 times a week for 2 hours n when it got closer to the competition, practices increased to 5 times a week, 4-5 hours a day!!!!

ahhhhhh.. but it was the life, kan?? we played hard, but we worked ourselfs harder!! all the insanities n funny things tat happen! ahh like rolling around on the field laughin, screamin for joy when we achieve a stunt, playin 'ayam dgn musang' in the school field, crying together when we're sad or dissapointed, keeping each other motivated and most of all, being a fantastic team!!

we've all learnt soo much during our years as cheerleaders, we've improved tremendously too! and even tho all the original D*STARZians are gone now, we've welcomed in some GREAT cheerleaders who i can definately tell, work their butts off too, and have tat D*STARZ-licious spirit!!! They've still got a lot to improve, but HEY! who doesn't rite? tats wat makes it fun!

SO here's a lil sumn from last year's practice routine, i say their routine was great! of course there's tweaks tat need to be done here-n there, but they really did an "A-W-E S-O-M-E awesome! awesome! totally!!!" job!!! lolz!! btw, I MISS YOU SOO MUCH POLY!!!

here's to THIS YEAR's CHEER 2008!!! D*STARZ!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!