Sunday, October 12, 2008

We Ate, Ate, Ate

Mmmmm now tats the feeling of satisfaction! Yesterday, we had this real big do at my grandma's house for my Aunt from New Zealand, Hemachi, n the a LOAD of family was there along with a HUGE TRUCKFULL of food! I swear!

ok well maybe not a literall truck, but ud need a van to carry all tat food! phew!! it was awesome possum man!!

I mean, I absolutely LOVE family gatherings, all my crazy aunts, uncles, cousins, all come together n we go crackers together! lol! its always me running around, gettin the food there on the table, helping out, helpin wit drinks, n anything I can. N its saying hi n catching up wit relatives n all tat jazz.. always fun! then lets come to the food.
ZOMG! there was just tons la, im not even kidding! There was:

*Best Pork Ribs ever!**Chicken & Pork Devil's Curry*

* The entire works!!! FEAST!!*

-of course my favourite Pork Ribs (hehe Kris!!) tat we always beg my aunt to make, rice, putu mayam, sodhi, chicken, mutton, devil's curry chicken& pork, beans, mamak mee, mihun, lasagna...........
* Deserts*

-i made bread pudding, n there was coconut cake, kuih, kesari, grapes.......
oh seriously it was a FEAST i tell U! I started eating from like 8, n only finish at almost 9! haha had a few helpings n by the end of the night, I was realllyyyy STUFFED to the brim!
all of the aunts were in the hall n all of us were sitting there like beached whales, with the look of over-eating n satisfaction on our faces from all tat food! haha! n the uncles were outside, drinkin n I was popping grapes into their whiskies! hahahhaha! :P all the food+alcohol+merriments= Bliss in this family! :)

So all in all, a great nite, think my aunt needed so see that we're all here for her.... Wish Uncle Roydon was here too, but he went back already.. we spent such a good time together on Friday morning n afternoon.. Met them n the other school kids, n took them round KLCC, Pavillion, Bukit Bintang n Sungei Wang, so tat was really nice..

I really need to go to New Zealand for Christmas la.. I really want to.. god I miss Hannah so much.. she wud have loved being here.

n Kris- I really was missing you terribly yesterday, wished u were there, n so this photos r for u! come back sooooonnnn!!!!!