Cant believe this year is over...... What seemed like just yesterday is actually exactly 1 year ago! I honestly can still remember every detail of New Years Eve, last year!!! The feelings of anticipation for my 6 months in the USA were at a Peak of Excitement!!
Jan 07
-excitement of going on my dream foreign exchange trip was high charged!
- left Malaysia on the 9th of Dec along wit 37 other awesome & lucky Malaysians!
-went to Allentown, Pennsylvania n met my host family- THE KUHNS n got a school - LEHIGH VALLEY CHRISTIAN HIGH SCHOOL
Feb 07
-had already made real close frens in High School
-fit in well with the family
-went to New York City!!!!
March 07
-realized tat 2 months of my stay had gone past!
-was doing really well in high school!
-missed frens n family from home
-joined the TRACK TEAM in school
April 07
-turned 18 on the 3rd!!! :D
-had a suprise party!
-was sad bout leaving soon
-but spring was here!!!! :D
-was doing well in The TRACK TEAM!!
-went to Maryland for Easter wit my family
May 07
-was havin the time of my life!
-school was awesome! i did my presentation bout Malaysia n the kids loved it!
-had the Prom n wore a pretty Fushia colored dress
-Got a Pin n letter at the Sports Awards for Track!
-Senior Class trip for 5 days to VIRGINIA BEACH where i had an amazing time wit my friends
-Graduation!! :D
June 07
-started gettin very sad bout leavin soon, as i didnt wanna leave at all since i basically had fun every single day of my life n didnt want it to end!
-but i still maximised my time there well!
-crashed Graduation parties wit my frens!
-mini-golfed n hung out alot
-fun wit family too!
-got a suprise farewell party thrown by my fam n frens
-went to Souderton n said a sad goodbye to my host family n cried the whole nite with the other exchange students
-had major fun wit them tho!
-flew to Washington D.C again n met up wit the rest of the Malaysian YES gang n also 400 other participants from all around the world!
-had major fun there! n then we had to leave
-flew back on the 30th via PARIS
July 07
-reached KL on the 1st
-was happy to meet my family n friend again!!
-btw, i had put on 20 pounds/10kg in the US n had to throw away 20 pairs of jeans!
-pigged out on extremely missed good ol' Malaysian food! :D:D:D:D
-enrolled in LimKokWing University of Creative Technology n am doing the Foundation in Design which will continue to a (BA)Degree in Fashion & Retailing
August 07
-college was going great!
-severely missed host family n friends in the US tho, but was dealing
-celebrated MALAYSIA'S 50th Year of INDEPENDECE!! :D MERDEKA!!!
September 07
-nothing much happened in Sept i think! haha
-cant remember!
October 07
-had my 1st ever fashion show in college!! was awesome!!
-did a shoot wit KG n Bibo n it was just like.... wow! hahah my firsts la basically!
-life started opening up more! n met more ppl in college n was absolutely enjoyin life!
November 07
-Finished wit 1st sem of Foundation in college!! :D was amazing!!
-Kris came back!
-went to Bandung, Indonesia for shopping madness!!!!!!!
-Had a major major reality check in my life about problems, n made good decisions
-was busy busy busy the whole month! :D
December 07
-was majorly busy all the time with Christmas shopping!
-thoroughly enjoyed myself tho, n it really really felt good to be back in Malaysia! :D am very proud of my country!
-had another fashion show, n this time it was a big one in Renaissance Hotel for College grads!
-hung out with frens all the days n maximised hols!
-Christmas celebrations!! =P
-went to PD for Major family bonding fun times!
-n now its New Years! lol!
So this is honestly an extremely brief list of my 2007! theres just too many things to write out, only wish i cud! This year flew by, heck, it zoomed at the speed of sound!! But it is really without a shadow of a doubt, the BEST YEAR EVER & The most life changing one!
I'll forever remember it
BUT >>>>> HERE's to 2008!!!!!!
May u be a much more exciting n better year... God! im in for a ride!! :D
Monday, December 31, 2007
2007 in a Flash!
Posted by Kelsey Bunny at 5:22 PM 0 comments
Sunday, December 30, 2007
The Kick-Ass Family Vacation!
Hey you!!!!! Sorry for not updating my blog for a while, i went on an Awesome vacation to Port Dickson on the 27th of Dec with MY WHOLE FAMILY!!! :D
And im talkin bout a bunch of us! Around 50+ ppl went on this short trip! :D
We do this about every year, or at least we try to. For Christmas hols, the whole Suppiah clan will get together n be merry! So this year, we decided to hit our fav spot, GOUMAN HOTELS, PORT DICKSON as it's only 1 hour away n its a gorgeous hotel!
Meetin all my cousins and aunts n uncles n so on was great! i absolutely LOVE my family! they're hilarious when were all together! Slowly, everyone piled into the hotel, got our rooms n hit the pooL! hahah there we had swims, frisbee & ball wars, everything! i totally loved hangin wit my the cousins who were around my age n also i love it when the little ones are runnin around wild!!
kids can be so cute at times!! n later on at night, we hit a Chinese Seafood Restaurant n ate a ton of good food n after tat, my aunts started telling tales of when they were younger n they brought out albums of OLLLDDDD photos which were such a source of joy n laughter to all of us! hahha we laughed as we looked at those old black & white photos of parents n relatives! my aunt said, " this is a tradition we want to keep in the holidays so tat the younger generation know more about our family and treasure it!"
n i thought that that was a brilliant idea! i mean, alot of us found out new things n had a good time laughin! :D
the next day, a bunch of us (26 to be exact) opted to go on a Ferry Ride in Melaka n go sailing to some islands! it was a great trip! I LOVED SAILING N SITTIN OUT ON THE BOAT'S FRONT, enjoyin the wonderful sea breeze, n the sun shining down on me, n watching the waves..... it was just soo relaxing......
we cruised to an island where we stopped n swam in the water n then we walked over to this small lil island next to it in the water! haha! the tide was low, n we had fun swingin on this cute swing over the water n going rock adventuring! lol~! then we jsut got on the boat again n just sailed around n saw other islands b4 heading back! :D GREAT DAY it was! mucho mucho tiring tho, but fun!
got back to the hotel for a quick dip, went for dinner n then got to the hotel's pub n had a HUMUNGOUS Margarita!! haha! seriously! it was huge! 3 of us had to drink it! lol! n the glass's diameter was bigger than my face! lol! but dont worry! i was totally fine! my aunt n friend were laughin n we were all just havin a good time!
i do tho!
so the next day, 29th was our goodbye day! n it totallly sucked to say bye to some of my fam tat i dont normally see... miss them la.... sigh... oh well i guess tats why these vacas r more awesome, we tend to miss each other more n have a great time when we hang out! haha
But just being wit family makes me so happy, u know? i was analyzing it alot of the time.... i do love my family so... n the whole time i was also just thinkin bout choices i have to make in life.... wat i want the most in my life, i cant get.. or at least not in the way tat i shud get it.. sucks..
Coz all i want is to have him by my side, witnessing my life, my family and to be a part of it.. :)
love can be such a pain, sometimes............
Im just so thankful to God for blessing me with a great family! there are things tat i cud wish tat they wud change at times, but u know.... i love them..... n in case ur reading this, Kris, i love you.. thanks for always knockin me on my head when i need it... ;)
Here's to Family & a FANTASTIC FREAKIN NEW YEAR!!!!!!!
Posted by Kelsey Bunny at 10:12 PM 0 comments
Tuesday, December 25, 2007
Poems tat reside in me..
Fills me up inside when you're right beside,
Poems I recite cos I'm inspired,
My tunnel light, it shines so bright,
Like a shining light to the otherside,
Baby girl, just come inside,
Cos our lives it coincides,
Never had it felt so right,
Never have I had more flights,
Trips to places that you gon like,
Take your time, the world is wide,
It's alright if you down to ride,
Anything for you I'd provide,
Cos you know for you I've cried,
And I know to you I've lied,
And I know for me you've tried,I'm just glad we got through the fights.
I'll say it here, no caps, no gears,
no fancy shirts, no air sneakers,
No fancy chains, no baggy pants,
No longer the same, just a plain man,
The main plan, make u understand,
make you figure out what im all about
make you finally see, what you mean to me,
the one and only perfect company,
no more words for now, just a simple wow,
you're the perfect view, i'm so into you...
i love you bunny
Posted by Kelsey Bunny at 5:41 PM 0 comments
A Merry Bunny Christmas!!
Whooohooooo!! i cant believe Christmas is finally here! Im sooo happy!! :D
i just got back from Christmas Eve Service from Church n it was real nice!! :D
ahhhhh.. i just love the feeling of being in church on the eve of x'mas!! the air is buzzing with happiness, excitement, joy and love, the place is packed wit people whose faces are so shiny and happy, everyone loooks great, the church is beautifully decorated n the choir sings happpy christmas carols!!
it just feels like.... home... it feels so right!!
so im pretty happy now! thankfully considering i had an extremely extremely bad day!
but im not gonna rant on tat now, will do later on
BUt for now,
i just want to wish all my readers a FANTASTIC & JOYFUL CHRISTMAS!!!!
Posted by Kelsey Bunny at 2:18 AM 0 comments
Friday, December 21, 2007
The Fashion Show & Maison
Well wat can i say?? The LimKokWing Fashion Graduate's Show held at Renaissance Hotel K.L was an absolute blast!!!!
Posted by Kelsey Bunny at 7:27 PM 0 comments
Tuesday, December 18, 2007
The Tag continues
5 things found in my bag
5 things found in my purse
*Driving license
*Credit card :D
5 favourite things found in my room
*My overflowing wardrobe
*Accesorries of every kind
*Perfume collection
*Icky :D
5 things i've always wanted to do
*Make out in the rain
*Make love on the beach
*Go shopping without having to worry about paying for things
*Travel around Europe
*Going on a holiday with my best friends
5 things im currently into
*Robin Thicke
*Grey's Anatomy
*Nasi lemak
*Shopping, tats always tho!
feeling much better and relaxed now! time for song Grey's and my awesomest lemon cheesecake!! :D
Posted by Kelsey Bunny at 6:16 PM 1 comments
Hatred Fills Me Sometimes
These past few days I've been very very very very angry about someone. And even tho she technically may not have done anything directly bad to me, SHE IS SUCH A FREAKING B***H!!!
She's soooo ugly you know!! im serious! EVERYONE SAYS SO!! so im not the only one!
She's also very fat! I mean like, C'MON WOMAN!!! haven't u heard of CHOLESTROL & HEART DISEASE & OBESITY????
N honestly! Get a freakin fashion stylist man! ur in dire need of help! freakin fashion victim, dunno how to dress nicely dont bother trying man!
Summore ah, she's such a freakin slut man!!! A SLUT!!!! If u want to do or blow every guy in Europe, do it la, but when u were hear, honestly, have some more self respect for yourself man! Like a dog...
And i understand if u want to take "contraceptive pills", but honestly DO YOU NEED to announce to a whole table full of ppl tat u "forgot" to take it n take it in front of them?? C'mon la if you want to announce to the whole world tat ur having sex, go get a billboard, it does a better job.
Boyfriend stealer!!!!!!! Need i say more? You're such a slut!!!! NO WONDER ur host school's boys wanted to beat u up! ur tat worthless!
The song VIVA LA WHITE GIRL by Gym Class Heroes, which is supposed to be bout how great a white girl is, will NEVER be ur song! ur a disgrace to your own race!
No one even likes her!!!! Didnt ur momma ever teach u well?? Hope ur tongue piercing rusts n gets infected
AHHH!!!! im just soooooooooooooooooo angry!!!!!!!! i cant stand it!!!
i THank God everyday for blessing me with frens who are great n rock my world n who keep me sane.
N if u have not guessed it by now, im havin a severe case of PMS. im damn angry.
But anyway, other than tat particular burst of hatred towards a certain someone, i've been havin a pretty darn awesome time these past few days!!!!
I hung out wit Kim & Liz at Kim's place n it was awesome!!!! :D
we attempted to watch AMERICAN GANGSTER but we cudnt la, was just tooo confusing and boring. i just didnt get it, but i guess its coz its just not my kinda movie la,
but we talked n talked n laughed like hell, ate n talked somemore about everything n our relationships problems! ahhh!! hehehhe it was real awesome GIRL time! lol!
n today i chillled wit some of my other best buds, Farah & Debbie!! :D
went to Limkokwing wit Farah for our fitting n briefing for the fashion show tomoro!! :D it was fun!! n while we were doing it, we were getting hit on my this funny guy from Kyrgystan! lol! it was soo hilarious! he kept asking us if we had boyfriends! :D
then we picked Deb up n went to eat Nasi Lemak n then they came back to my place n we cam whored!!! lol! n ate my yummy ( :D ) cheese cake! hehhe n talked n everything la!!
heheh i love my friends!
Im SOO excited bout tomoro's Eric Way fashion show man!! it's gonna be sooooo awesome! off the hizzzaaayyy people!!
the adrenaline is pumping thru my veins..... waaaayyyyy pumping... ;)
Posted by Kelsey Bunny at 5:12 PM 0 comments
Sunday, December 16, 2007
MCR & fun days!
Im baccckkkkk!!!!!!! :D:D
could i ask for more?
we had an incredibly amazingly wow day! n i was actually really sad when he was leavin... i dunno why, but i just realized tat im gonna miss him soo much u know... suddenly la....
Posted by Kelsey Bunny at 10:46 PM 0 comments
Sunday, December 9, 2007
Bloody Internet problems
Ok so i have not been able to come online for a week already thanks to some IDIOTIC BOYS who pulled out the Phone lines in my apartment area for a joke, n thanks to them, the entire apartment area has no phone access n no net!! SSSSSUUUUUUUCCCCCCCKKKKKKSSSSSSSSSSSS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
i cudnt go on facebook for sooo long!! *CRIES*
almost died!!
became so addicted to that thing, n also cudnt blog!!!
im now using my couz's net n can only use for a lil while!!
so much shit has happened this week man!!
its been an incredible week!!!!!!!! i love it!! n wats more, im going for MY CHEMICAL ROMANCE's concert tonite wit my bestest frens in the whole world!!!! :D:D
its gonna be off the hizzzaaayyyy!!!!!
also been shoppin a ton!! me n my mom spent like RM1000 yesterday in OU! lol! but we bought gifts for christmas! so its christmas shoppin + a lil extra! haha !
ahhhh i cant wait for my net to come back n i can blog more!!
so tilll then, i gotsta stay flyyyy-ahhh--ahhhh--ahhhh--ayyyyy
Posted by Kelsey Bunny at 11:41 AM 0 comments
Thursday, November 22, 2007
Let me first start off by sayin wat a HUGE Disney Princess fan i was... oh ok! who am i kiddin?! i STILL AM A HARCORE DISNEY PRINCESS FREAK!!!!
when i was a lil girl, i used to be hooked every single day on the TV, watchin The Little Mermaid, The Lion King, Pocohantas, Snow White, Aladdin......
i had all the videos of them, i had the soundtrack n i swear, ( u can ask my momma if u dont believe me) but i watched them every single day! my Fav was of course, The Little Mermaid..
i watched it practically every day until they stopped me, but i pretty much got all the scenes, the dialogues n most of all, the songs memorized! hehe I wanted nothin more than to be Ariel! hehehe in fact, i was convinced tat id be Ariel if i ate fish tails! lol! but dont worry, when it was in front of me, i cudnt do it.. :D
BUT yeah! i just loved my happy childhood of all these amazing Disney cartoons.. n i miss it, u know? i mean, dont get me wrong, i do love the disney cartoons like those of today, they're awesome too, but none of them have that true Disney princess, songs, and music that they used to have back in my childhood!
lol! i sound like an old lady!
ahhhh.. but its soo true! i miss it
So tats why when i went for the premeir of ENCHANTED recently, i was filled wit the feeling of deja-vu, happiness, satisfaction, deliriously joyful, and a girlishness!
i really was!
The movie was sooo cute! and wonderful~!!
The cartoon version of the girl, looked EXACTLY like a blond Ariel! n just all the songs n the cuteness and funny lil skits that they took from each famous Disney movie (if u didnt know, Enchanted takes alot of spoofs from the old Disney cartoons! makes it more fun! :D )
Patrick Dempsey, a.k.a. McDREAMY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! is in the movie, aight ladies!!!!! need i say more??? ahhhhhhh he just makes any straight girl and gay guy swoooooon and fall deeply in love wit him! :D another great reason to catch the movie!
So if ur looking for a movie filled wit action n serious-ness, this aint a movie for u, BUUUTTTT< color="#ff0000">make u smile with it's cuteness, make u laugh, make u sing, make u remember ur childhood days, n just make u breathe n be taken into a world of fantasy,
and forget all bout ur problems while u watch it, n then leave the cinema wit a Big grin on ur face,
THEN WATCH Enchanted!
its sooo cute!!
LOVED IT!!! :D needless to say, huh?
Posted by Kelsey Bunny at 11:25 PM 36 comments
Wednesday, November 21, 2007
Tiredness & Movies
I've been so tired lately......
Posted by Kelsey Bunny at 11:54 PM 0 comments
Sunday, November 18, 2007
Wedding Bliss & Realization
So i attended an absolutely beautiful wedding on Saturday evening!
Congratulations to Patrick & Salina for finally gettin married! :D the service yesterday was held in St.Paul's Church the church, u know, i attend every week n the one that my very own parents got married in, i was baptised n confirmed in and also the same church that i practically grew up in! :D
And as we took our seats, i realized something, this was the first Christian Church wedding i attended since my uncle got married which was 6-8 years ago!!!!! gosh!! its been too long! n when i was there, the whole church looked so so beautiful, the flowers were so beautiful, every guest was dressed so nicely and, you could just feel the excitement and happiness buzzing thru the air! the atmosphere was just filled wit love, u cud tell!
And when the procession came in, and the cute lil page boys, the pretty flower girls & brides maids and stunningly beautiful bride walked towards the happpppeeee groom, you could see how shiny & happy the family and friends were... The service had thoughtful passages from the Bible, a nice song and a short message. Then came the vows part! ahh.. my fav..
I LOVE the whole tradition of the exchanging of vows, the exchanging of rings and the sweet first kiss as man & wife.... The life-long wait of saying I DO to the person who;
----- you love with all your heart, who loves you back, who you know you want to spend the rest of your life with and with whom you want to make babies and create your own family wit, the person who you finally truly love MORE than yourself.. that beautiful, pure unconditional love..............
its so beautiful, you know? n the best part of the service that i Loved was the fact that the church was Filled to the Brim with family & frens of both the bride and groom! Oh n btw, the groom is Indian, while the bride is Chinese!! so it was pretty cool to see 1 side of the church to be occupied by Indians & the other side to be occupied by Chinese! lol! ;p
But being there and sittin thru the ceremony & basically being witnesses to this happy couple's wedding made me start to realize and think about many, many things.......
I have found the person tat i love the most, u know... i really have.. n he loves me back, too, but we're of course not together now due to complications... In recent days i have realized many things, namingly; THE fact that i had begun to love HIM more than i love MYSELF. coz i really do, I'll do anything for this guy...... I mean, we get each other, u know, sure we have TONS of fights, like bloody hell alot, but we just have great times too, n we cud have a great future together if it werent for a few factors but the most important factor is the reason tat : if we wud end up gettin married, i ll lose my ENTIRE family, as they will disown me for marrying a Muslim, coz tat'll mean i'll have to convert n they just cant accept tat la.....
And being at the wedding and seeing how supportive the families were just made me realize how much i desperately want MY FAMILY to be at MY wedding, to be supportive of the decisions i make in my life, to be at the hospital when i give birth to my children and u know..... to just be around................................... and i realize tat i cant have tat if i was wit this guy...
its like, i can have him, but im just always gonna be missing them n wishing they were around n ill end up being miserable....
also, ultimately, as much as i love him, i just know tat i will never be happy not havin a dog, not attending church every week, not sending my kids to sunday school..... i just cant ever accept tat...
I LOVE JESUS! haha i do! i know i may not be the best potrayal of a Christian, its true i do ALOT of "un-christian" crap, but i still am a happy Christian at heart.... I Loved how i was in the USA! i was in a Christian home n Christian school n surrounded by good kids, n i was just sooooooooo good! i mean, u'll never believe me until u see, I DIDNT SWEAR FOR 6 MONTHS!!! lol!
haha but i mean i do love being home la... dont get me wrong.
oh my goodness, this is such a strange n depressing blog post! im sorry guys!
ILL BE HAPPIER NEXT TIME!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Posted by Kelsey Bunny at 9:44 PM 0 comments
Tuesday, November 13, 2007
The Indonesian Shoppin Trip & Camille's Shoot!
First off, i wanna say a HUGE sorry for not updating my blog till now, i've just been soo busy and everytime i sat in front of the com to do it, just didnt know wat to write, but now im baaaaackkkk!!!

Posted by Kelsey Bunny at 9:30 PM 0 comments
Wednesday, November 7, 2007
And The Deflowerin Continues
So yesterday was an incredibly fun day! 1st i wanna shout out to STICKY ICKY MAL!!!!
Posted by Kelsey Bunny at 5:55 PM 0 comments
Monday, November 5, 2007
The Virginity Chronicles
Today was life changing... it was amazing, breath-taking, a day i'll never forget.. Today i lost my PHOTOSHOOT VIRGINITY!!! hehehhhhehe but yeah! i really did!
This french guy, Guillaume had asked me & Kim to do a photoshoot for him, n so we did today! KG styled, directed and photographed the shoot. it was a Black & White themed shoot, meanin we wore black/white against a black & white background. In the end, Kim did the Ebony one & i did the Ivory one since the contrast of those colors against our skin was amazing! oh! n KG also did our make-up for us,, n i have to say, he did a really great job!
Kim was 1st. She wore a long black dress n black heels, n i tell u ah.. watchin tat woman pose was bloody nerve-wreckin la! she's like such a bloody pro! Kim, ur just born to model la... but its always real fun to watch her, i observe n learn things, so its cool!
Oh! n at the same time, James & Lisa were doing a photoshoot bout Lisa as an alcoholic so i was watchin tat too! n it was a fun shoot! haha James even asked me to do some shots wit her! =D
James is sucha cutie la! when he photographs, ahhaah the things he says totally cracked us all up! he def took some awesome shots as well! will get the photos n post them up on FACEBOOK and a few here too..
Then it was my turn! wore a white chroceted top n white shorts with white heels n it was real interesting! since im still a noob, i was real lost! didnt know wat to do n basically still dont know my angles la, so Kim & KG instructed me alot! but they really did a GREAT job!
After many cool shots, we started playing around n takin wacky shots n tats where the question of the OTHER virginiry came into frame! hahhaha now i have officially lost my "KISSING ANOTHER GIRL with TONGUE VIRGINITY!!!"
YES!!! hahaha me & Kim took some very interesting photos n we had tongue action! ahhhh!!!!!! after soo long, i finally did it! lol! hahaha =D but wat she says is true! Girls are much better kissers! hehe thanx Kim!
so yeah! today was MAd Fun! wit 'firsts' in alot of things! lol! cant wait to see the photos!! will get them soon n put em up, aight?? hehe
other than tat, chilled wit the gang + Malaz & Jennifer at Wings n we had some super crazy cracked up time! lol! haha Malaz started singing loudly, omijesus, that girl is whack! haha but love her anyway!!!!
awesome day! just awesome!
Posted by Kelsey Bunny at 9:50 PM 0 comments
Saturday, November 3, 2007
Can You Believe...
Or put fire in your eyes
Or give you a chance to fly
When you need the wings
When all that youve got is doubt
And nothing can stop you from feeling down
But oh I know, I know exactly how you feel
When youre on your knees now
Begging and pleading now
Can you believe
When all that youve got is doubt
And no one to pull you out
When your heart is slowin down
Can you believe
Is so far away tonight
And no other medicine or promise is
Gonna heal me up right
But I got to believe
That her and me
Will be together
Cause thats all I got
And Oh, I know
When youre down at the bottom
Can you believe
When your mother and father cant keep you safe from harm
Can you forgive in your heart
Can you ask for forgiveness
When nobody else believes can you believe
Can you believe in yourself
You will never know
If somebodys watchin
You will never know
If nobodys watchin
You will never know
If somebodys watchin
You will never know
If nobodys watchin
You will never know
If somebodys watchin
You will never know
Posted by Kelsey Bunny at 5:31 PM 0 comments
Friday, November 2, 2007
Project Progress & Shoots!
These past couple of days have been fun, exciting n tiring all at the same time!!
Thursday, went to college as usual n chilled wit Riya & Amanda n guess wat? for breakfast, I ate COCOA POPS CEREAL in COLLEGE!!!! hahah i was soo amused! i mean who the heck eats cereal in college! n plus, i haven't ate it in like 3 months so just felt like it! hehe then went to class to work on the Integrated Project due next Fri, n u know wat? for startin it real late, we're actually makin great progress! painted here & there, danced n sang like a mutha n i have to say, i THOROUGHLY enjoyed myself! hehehe, nothin else happened, oh! except that Kim brought her cuffs to college. nice, Kim.... nice!
But one of the highlights of the day was the MYSPACE comment i got from Bibo! He's this student in college who studies photography n is a freakin' great photographer la! Since the 1st time i saw his shots of Kim, i was like, "dayyymmmnnnn.... i wish i cud have a photoshoot wit him!" n the best part is we were in contact recently and i got a comment from him saying "kels, lets do a photoshoot!!!!!" ahhhHH!!!!! i screamed when i saw the msg man!! so its supposed to be next week n the outfit is 'skinny jeans & tank top'! excited & nervous at the same time!!
Today, lepaked (chilled) with Kim & G in the mornin n even had a game of pool, but i finally dragged my lazy bum up to the Studio to help paint our project n u know wat/??? it's lookin soooooo friggin awesome! seriously! Amanda, Sammy, Dhahma & i guess Gaish have been doin a good job! glad i could be of help too!! :D:D love paintin la.. its sooo relaxin u know! :D n its almost done, ppl!! really!! just have to do some minor touch ups here n there, n POOF! finito! =)
Lunch tho, was really awesome! Sat wit Kim, KG, & this french guy called G n we were laughin n talkin bout our usual crap la! n G asks me & Kim whether he could shoot us for his assignment, n we were like sure! so we did a Black & White shoot, but since he didnt have a DSLR, KG told him to postpone it to Monday n were gonna do a proper one! with Lightin, DSLR, Proper wardrobe, props n blower!!! whoooohoo!! im excited!! nervous also la!! im a noob at this..
I have to say that it was fun tho! Enjoyed chillin wit them today! :D
We also did a real fun 'extras role' for Ehsan's "Public Service Announcement about AIDS" video! hahah! we filmed like we were pretendin to be takin an exam! lol! the things tat happen
in this college ahhh.. *shakes head* I LOVE IT! =) Also, this guy asked me to be his model for his Sem 4 final presentation! hehehe FUN!!!!!!!!!!!!
im baking CHEESE CAKE tomoro!!! yays!!!!!!!!
Posted by Kelsey Bunny at 9:38 PM 0 comments
Wednesday, October 31, 2007
KG- The Chippendale's Stripper

Posted by Kelsey Bunny at 9:45 PM 0 comments
The Fashion Show
i got the call from Deepa on sunday nite, asking if i can model for her fren who was doing her final project n needing a model the Launching show.
Posted by Kelsey Bunny at 12:08 AM 0 comments
Saturday, October 27, 2007
Life Drawing & Halloween Pacts!
anyway, even tho i sat for so long n drew (wit the side occasions of me singing "Sweet Child Of Mine" hehhe) i still only managed to draw it out n not even colour! n i was super tired n stresses n worried addy, n i knew tat i wasnt gonna be able to sleep tat nite coz it was due tomoro.
Posted by Kelsey Bunny at 5:32 PM 1 comments